
What happened to best fiends forever 2020
What happened to best fiends forever 2020

what happened to best fiends forever 2020

That’s where we’re going to start – with the big, world-affecting events. Consider the events that are common knowledge – American Revolution, penicillin, the Industrial Revolution, the building of the Great Wall of China, the World Wars, etc. Now – think about the history of our world, here in reality. The gods don’t care why things happened – and neither do you (at this stage). “Creator Perspective” is a lesson for another time, so for today’s purposes this will mean your “master” timeline has little to no specific motivations for actions. My best advice is to have a “master” timeline, and then edited copies of that timeline for each culture/country/major population with adjustments for their perspective. That’s what we’re trying to do here, express all those plots using as little information as possible. Timelines are built out of millions of little plotlines, most of which you will probably never write about. Plotlines are snapshots in a timeline – and that’s how I want you to think about this. Their key difference, however, is that one of these two has an end. What makes this subject so funny (in my opinion), is that timelines and plotlines are built with eerie similarity, just on different scales. A timeline is how you can write multiple books for one world, while remaining interesting. One book can take place at one point in a certain city, and another can be on the opposite end of the map.

what happened to best fiends forever 2020

What happened to best fiends forever 2020 series#

Characters in one series can be the parents or grandparents of a following series. The constant evolution of these places is something to write about all on its own. These people have been writing stories about the same places for decades, and it never ceases to amuse. Some example authors that spring to mind are Terry Brooks, Terry Pratchett, and R. A timeline is how you get to write in a world as much as you want without losing readership to inconsistencies or boredom. What can a timeline do for you that a plotline can’t? Short answer – give you more plotlines. Forget plotlines, timelines are where it’s at! If you’re anything like me, you will 100% break that rule. Time setting – again! Do you recall W102, about choosing when to place your story world? Today, you might break that rule.

What happened to best fiends forever 2020